How it all started.....

My two oldest daughters asked their dad if they could take meatgoats in 4-H. This is the man who told me soon after we were married that I could bring home all the animals I wanted to the farm as long as I didn't bring home any goats. He loves his dog, cattle, and horses.

Instead of directly saying "no", he told them to figure a breakeven on them, and if they did that he would support them. Let's just say he was surprised to come home and see the girl's "breakeven". They had spent the day hounding the managers at tractor supply and coop to get all their info. He is a man of his word, so two female goats came to live on the James farm.

Now these goats weren't supposed to be bred, but as it happens sometimes, one kidded out just before fair, and she was so cute I just lost my mind and we purchased another 26 does. Of course I justified my purchase as being necessary for me to be a good Kansas Agriculture Extension agent. In Kansas we were getting several questions regarding meatgoats, and I figured if I raised them myself I would become more knowledgable about the process and be of more help to others. I think my husband knew I just liked them though.

We have continued to expand, and we now own 60 does, 3 billies. I am in the process of kidding out 50 of the does now. You would think I would know better than to have them due in January, but unfortunately I didn't pay enough attention to the calendar when I placed the billies in with the does.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday morning

Well I penned up two does last night thinking they might kid. I checked them at 10:30 p.m., 1:30 a.m., and 5:00 a.m. No babies yet, but they welcomed their grain and hay for breakfast. Looking through the herd there are 10+ showing all the signs of being ready to go. I imagine they are waiting until Saturday morning because I have a scheduled presentation I need to do in Parson, KS that day. That is usually how it works. (smile)

I can tell the little buck is about ready to be turned out of the jug pen and into a larger pen. Today he was beginning to really find his legs and jump in the air. He also was climbing on his mom's back when she was lying down. When the babies get into that playful mode, I know they are able to handle being in a larger pen.

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